Thoughts From The Mind Of A Squig

Archive for September, 2020

Men at Work 24 and Money

Sorry for the severe delay in updating, I’ve been pretty busy and other things going on, but good to say that much lol. My last class was pretty good, we actually talked about money and needing to ensure you have a good head about it. Having some for yourself in case things go awry, planning well to ensure if life goes south you can correct it (or at least try to), and planning for your future. My teacher has an interesting aspect about money and how he thinks of it. When he thinks of money he doesn’t think of it as presently, he thinks of it in the long run, will he need it now? Would it hurt putting it away for another point? It makes you consider on spending so much of what you have. An issue I’ve always had is trying to at least have some money put away in some form. Usually if I do it hardly builds before I have to get into it or just pull it to use it for something else. Discipline is needed to get it to stay there and not move.

I do have some ideas on what I want to do. Making savings is number one, since I hate not having anything to fall back on in case something goes to crap. Another is potentially making an IRA. He spoke of using me as an example, based on retirement age if I dropped $300 in it each month, until I retire I could be seeing close to $111k by the time I’m ready to go. It was pretty interesting. I don’t know about $300 but I’m sure I could put something each month to it just to build it up. Even $50 each month is $600/yr in the long run, and if I don’t stop working until retirement (which was 65 I think?), that’s quite a few years that could exponentially build up. So it’s definitely worth considering. Not to mention if I ever leave jobs or not have my 401k, I can roll it over to my IRA if I’m thinking correctly.

He also talked about stocks, which I’ve dabbled in very slightly, but I may consider looking into minorly. I don’t plan on throwing tons of money at it, but I may put a little here and there and basically just slowly buy stocks to see how well it may work. I do need to read into it a bit more but I feel if I understand it some it could pay off eventually (keyword there lol).

I’ve been doing well, keeping busy with work and other interests has helped, Things are looking up though, two more classes left and halfway thru this order, so it’s all good. There’s only forward and up at this point, so lets keep going that way.

Twenty-four classes done, two left to go.